IMG_0069Laikang Bay is one of famous place in Takalar district. At the past, there are kind of Fishes and coral reefs exist there with a beautiful panorama, sunset and, sunrise. The rural people catch fishes with using traditional trap. But now, the condition and situation are different 100 percent because sustainable environment education is not running well. Don’t care about the impact of bombs and cyanide with environment, cutting down mangrove in a big scale. That is one example that exploitation of natural resource unlimited without concerning the environment and the next generation especially children.

Campaign to save the environment that are part of short-term strategies haven’t have a significant impact on the people, especially in terms of conserving the environment coastal and rural areas like Laikang Bay in Takalar. Information provided about saving the environment is often overlooked and even forgotten. A number of factors cause the community to continue to exploit the environment are a result of a lack of concern for the environment. For rural and coastal communities, environmental damage is exacerbated by need as the natural resources around them represent their livelihoods. The high intensity of exploitation drives them to use poison and bombs. This is made worse by illegal logging.

We have to start thinking of a long term solution by providing environmental teaching materials for schools. Teaching children to protect the environment is very good as an early investment in broadening children’s perspectives. The delivery strategy for this is to include it in local based curriculum for school children.

Teaching children to be aware of their role in protecting environment is a strong foundation for creating an ideal understanding. The understanding formed at an early age will create a lasting imprint. A strategy to provide local material must be aligned with current conditions and based on environmental characteristics of each region because specific information tailored for the places they live in is the best way to develop a strong understanding. In my humble opinion that for inhabitants of coastal areas like Laikang Bay in Takalar, material about how to protect the environment and coastal ecosystem is fitting if based on the specific ecosystem in there. Another fitting part of the package is a description of how humans cause environmental destruction and also how they can restore damaged ecosystems. For children in the cities, the material must have urban characteristic. Aside from material that reflects real conditions, there should also be examples that are context appropriate in order to further strengthen their understanding.

Source: Personal Experience in Puntondo by Evolab First Post  Saturday, April 2, 2011

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